Juris candidates for 2009

As you all know, I'm a fan of beauties. I'm even a bigger fan of beautiful voices. When I heard Juris from MYMP sing back in '05 (I think), it was literally music to my ears. I kept telling my friends, "Guaranteed best voice of the year!" Ever since then I've always been on a look-out for undiscovered and not-yet-a-superstar female singers who just have amazing voices. Kinda like my self American Idol. And if I had my own award to give out, it would be called the "Juris". I stumbled across a few likely candidates while reading some blogs the other day. They get bonus points for playing another instrument while singing and being retarded (funny retarded that is).

Nataly Dawn

Danielle Ate the Sandwich

High Kick Girl

Yeah...I just wanted to show this. I'm a fan of girls that kick ass too!

Past Juris Awardees:
'05 - Juris Fernandez
'06 - Leona Lewis
'07 - Marie Digby
'08 - Miley Cyrus--NOT! I don't think I had one last year.


  1. dude, good candidates!!! good candidates! although i must say that nataly dawn sounds super like Adele...also one of my faves right now..check out Giovanca too..you might like her...

  2. Any songs in particular from these artists?

  3. Pure Bliss, Joyride, You again - she's funkish, soulish and from the UK...

  4. DUDE, NICE blog template!!!! I hella like the upgrade! Makes me want to update mine again =)

  5. Good stuff. I need to investigate these more.

    Hey you!
