I wasn't too happy with my results on the 99 Things list so Joy convinced me to make my own. For those of you who don't know, "moded" is just another way of saying fail.
Rules: Bold the things that made you moded and post on your own blog. Be honest!!!
Have you ever:
1. lost your keys
2. lost your wallet
3. pee'd in your pants
4. poo'd in your pants
5. thrown up on yourself
6. got your car broken into
7. tripped on the curb of the sidewalk
8. bit your tongue
9. locked keys in your car
10. locked yourself out of your house
11. chewed something hard while eating something soft
12. sprained an ankle
13. been fake numbered
14. been called by the wrong name but didn't care to correct the person
15. choked on food
16. had bad breath and didn't know it until later
17. had CPR done to you
18. almost drown
19. hit your finger while hammering a nail
20. have not enough change for toll
21. had your front windshield cracked while driving
22. ran out of gas while driving
23. been pulled over by cops
24. failed a class
25. had stage fright
26. stub your toe
27. hit your head
28. dented your car
29. caused a car accident
30. been denied entrance to a club by the bouncer
31. had a server bring you someone else's food
32. passed out in public
33. got food stuck in your front teeth the whole time at a party
34. poked yourself in the eye
35. been mistaken for someone else who you thought was uglier than you
36. bought a pair of shoes and discovered one shoe was a different size when you got home
37. had a strap on your bag/backpack break while walking
38. had a "wardrobe malfunction"
39. caught your parents having sex
40. had someone walk into the bathroom while you were using it
41. got hit on the balls (boys)
42. had your period show (girls)
43. had a booger in your nose for everyone to see
44. had a flat tire on your way to something
45. been blamed for farting when you know the person next to you did it
46. farted out loud accidentally in front of strangers
47. stepped in poop
48. had bird drop its poop on you
49. had diarrhea during a meeting
50. got caught masturbating
51. caught your friend masturbating
52. been fired/laid off
53. woken up next to a stranger
54. woken up next to a stranger that is the same sex as you
55. used there/their/they're in the wrong way
66. used your/you're in the wrong way
67. got a tattoo you regretted
68. found naked pictures of yourself on web
69. got picked last when picking teams
70. dropped your food while carrying it to your table
71. been extremely sunburnt
72. lost a bet
73. showed up to an event only to discover you left the tickets at home
74. had UPS/FedEx lose your package
75. ran into a closed glass door
76. got your name complete butchered by the substitute
77. sent a hate-email to the person you're hating on
78. drunk-called someone you like
79. got a virus on your computer
80. used your alarm dongle to find your car in a parking lot
81. been scammed
82. woke up and thought it was the wrong day
83. been attacked/chased by a dog
84. forgot to pick someone up
85. forgot your anniversary
86. drive with the parking break up
87. had to rely on pictures to remember what happened the night before
88. picked to answer a question in class when you have no clue what the answer is
89. forgot the name of the person you just met
90. had someone call you by your name and you have no clue who that person is
91. got your finger caught in a door
92. gone to a store only to find that its already closed
93. had to piss in public
94. tried to take a picture only to discover the batteries in your camera were dead
95. nodded your head yes, but you have no idea what's going on
96. broken a bone
97. been cheated on
98. forgot your ID
99. got an STD
Give it a try fellow bloggers!!! And if you do, send me a comment so I can read yours too!
oooooooooh! I'm doing this tomorrow!